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Other Lending Resources: Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (CRC)

Guide to using Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (CRC) and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) lending options to supplement your research at Shaw University Libraries.

Questions on CRC Lending? Contact us

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Taylor Stephens

Reminder for the Shaw Community

Remember: If you do not have the appropriate CRC forms, as well as your Shaw Bear Card, you may not be granted access to the facility or the use of the resources at any CRC Library.

About CRC Lending

What is CRC?

Cooperating Raleigh Colleges is a nonprofit consortium promoting cooperating and collaboration among higher education institutions in Raleigh and Wake County.

If you’re a full-time student at any CRC college or university, you can take courses at the other schools without any extra costs. You can also use the other libraries.

You can find more information on this from the CRC Student Resources Webpage.

What is CRC Lending?

Through CRC agreements, Shaw University’s students and faculty are allowed to utilize the services, facilities, and borrowing privileges of partnering colleges and universities.

If Shaw University does not own a particular resource, Shaw students and faculty may seek it at one of the other cooperating libraries.

The combined collection of all institutions in CRC is more than 5 million volumes.

You can find more details about the CRC lending process and regulations by reading the CRC Lending Agreement.

How Do I Use CRC Lending?

  • Prior to going to another library, Shaw students and faculty must pick up the appropriate documentation from the James E. Cheek Learning Resources Center.
  • All members of participating CRC Colleges and Universities are allowed to use the library facilities at other institutions for free, without written permission, so long as open access to the libraries is granted at that time.
  • Please be aware that you may be allowed extra privileges (such as private study rooms) upon the request and approval of the individual library staff at time of visit. 

Remember: If you do not have the appropriate forms, as well as your Shaw Bear Card, you may not be granted access to the facility or the use of the resources.

CRC Lending Rules

  1.  The general loan period for all items and borrowers is 2 weeks.
  2. Any borrower may have no more than 5 items checked out at one time.
  3. The regular loan period applies to all CRC borrowers, regardless of on-campus status
  4. All CRC Borrowers are responsible for payment of overdue fines and damaged/lost materials charges
  5. All loan policies and charges assessed the CRC borrower for overdue fines, lost books, or damaged materials will be based on the policies of the lending library, not of the borrowers home library.
  6. The lending library reserves the right to restrict circulation of high-demand items, and the right to refuse borrowing and building privileges to any individual who violates the regulations of that library
  7. CRC Library Privileges are only allowed if the borrower has no issues with their account at their home library (fines, lost items, etc.)
  8. Final Exam and Overnight hours may be limited to home-library users only - please call ahead if you feel that this will apply during your visit.

Lending Forms For Students:

  • Students may recieve a CRC lending form by visiting the Customer Service desk at the James E. Cheek Learning Resources Center.

The "direct library loan request form" for students will only be valid if the student can also present their Bears Card as proof of identity at the CRC lending institution, along with the properly filled out form.

The form must be filled out by a staff member, and the student must supply the following information:

  • Full name, address, and contact information of student
  • The name of the course that the materials are needed for
  • Specific items to be loaned, or general topic of research that assistance is needed in finding materials for

Lending Cards for Faculty and Staff

  • Faculty and Staff may request a CRC Library Privilege Card from the staff at the James E. Cheek Learning Resources Center.
  • The Library Privilege Card is valid for 1 Academic Year, and needs to be reissued at the start of every academic year.
  • Faculty and Staff must also present their Bears Card for the Privilege card to be active, and must have both with them at all times while visiting the libraries of other CRC lending institutions.
  • There are no special privileges for Faculty or Staff status outside of their home institution - so please be prepared to follow the general lending rules and guidelines as provided on this page.

For further assistance, please contact us!
Shaw University Libraries - James E. Cheek Learning Resources Center
118 E. South Street - Raleigh, NC 27609
919-546-8407 -

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